Sunday, August 14, 2005

And then there is Frida. This cat has such a huge personality, she's actually a real bitch. Just full of spite. But, she still loves to be stroked and desperately seeks affection. It's funny, I had a biology professor last year that said it was wrong to project human emotions on animals. But, the more I observe animals, the more I realize how intelligent they are. They have personalities, spite, their own little communities and rankings. And the more fascinating it all becomes.

Last night was a break through night at the restaraunt. My boss was genuinely helpful and nice. Maybe I have gotten through the "breaking in" stage, but I'm not holding my breath. Quite credible sources have informed me that my boss has a very volatile set of moods, so guess will just ride out this wave along with the others. But it's so much nicer working with people when they are in a good mood. There was this concept in a psychology class that I took, the "feel-good-do-good-phenomenon," which can be summed up as when you are feeling genuinely good, you are more likely to lend a helping hand and do good for others, spreading the feeling. It's something to think about, and aspire to.

My mom and two friends of hers came to the restaurant after their Red Hatters meeting, complete in their full length purple dresses and crayola red bizare hats . The Red Hatters are these bunch of old ladies who do parades and charity work, and tell dirty jokes and generally just enjoy life. They have a kazoo band and are regulars in the town's Women of the West parade. Just a bunch of wry old women, spontaneous at any age, and still loving life. It was really great though, some of the other waitresses were whispering, "Oh my Gosh! There's the Red Hatters!" And I just thought to myself, "Yep, That's my mom." Still to come, stories of the Spice Sisters.

So I have been researching this whole "real job" thing and careers and all that serious stuff. And turns out, I am really drawn to the Biology way of life. I have registered as a Biology major at the local college and was checking out some pamphlets on career possibilities. They have so many opportunities for field-research all over the world, doing studies on animals and environmental conditions and the like. And it was just like this bill-board shot down and said, "Ya, this is it." I could love living like that. Seeing life in all of its different forms and transplanting myself in different cultures while still working for the better good. Ya, this could be it.


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