Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Resolution Starts Now

A midsummer night's life changing resolutions:

1) Mind: I promise myself that I will embrace reading as a way of enjoyment and furthering curiosity. To read books that sound interesting to me and not only because I think I should read a certain book as it would be good for me. The mandatory readings will be limited to school or those ambitious one o'clock in the morning spirts. I give myself permission to be happy, calm, strong, patient. And to seek happy, well grounded people to add warmth to my days.

2) Body: To do at least one hour of excersize every day: choices are weight lifting, running, swimming, biking, power yoga, hiking or walking. To nourish my body and cultivate it instead of picking it apart and tearing at it with my mind and inner dialogue. Physical goals: someday to do a marathon, right now, body weight to 120 consistently. To get a consistent eating habit. To acknowledge the importance of touch, to give hugs and physical affection to those I care about frequently.

3) Soul: To allow myself to share my passion for life and enjoyment of simple pleasures, good friends, art, interests, spontanaeity, physical activity, wit, intelligence and good sense of humor with other people. I promise to allow myself to be open to possibilities and to dance frequently.
To allow myself to enter into a new relationship with open eyes and a cup always half full, but realistic at the same point.

4) Career: I promise I will never chain myself into a cubicle, that I will work efficiently and with fresh drive towards improving and adding to the quality of life as a biologist. That there is a darkness to everyone and everything, but that it is all cyclic, not linear: as the earth revolves so does the moon, which effects the tides and pulls us all in waves and moods. Living is my life, this day, this hour, this minute is the only real job I will ever have.

Good therapy session, eh?


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