Shiny shades of molecules
Why I love art. Because today the mundane is sinking in and the tv shows are just distanced - like the Farenheit 451 book , where the people plug into walls and feel some artificial connection and are laughing at what is so artificial. But, if we plug into the tv which is only light played onto glass and sound vibrations it is so distant. I keep thinking about another perspective - another type of organism that is not capable of seeing this spectrum of light that we identify our world by. What if our ability to interpret energy wave-lengths shifted slightly, so we became unable to interpret what we know as "visual light" and started seeing different frequencies, no longer percieving color or the objects which compose the consumer-nation and personal world and we would all be blind. Capable only of knowing by conversation/communication and the whole judging and comparison would evolve to a different level, where we would envy others who have soothing voices instead of molecules grouped together in shiny shades and put on pedestal above other groups of laticed molecules...
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