Sunday, March 19, 2006

Bringing Love With in

Sunday, March 12, 2006


With the recent discoveries in the news about evidence of water features on one of the moons of Saturn and then the discovery of physical water on another moon, I have shot off from my seat in the forth row of biology into a tangent theory.

The theory involves concepts of "life" and "reality" as well as water. Ok, so here we go. As humans we comprehend the world around us by sensory - for the majority of us, by sight. What we see is determined by the way a very finite spectrum of energy waves are reflected off of particle goups. A specially designed group of particles composes our eyes, the eyes function as interpreters of the energy waves into color, depth, dimension, etc. But, take into account how infinitely small the visible spectrum of light is and the developments of new technologies that interpret different wave lengths in order to translate an understanding of the world outside of our knowledge. Given that, lets call moon A the one where the water-like features have been discovered. And moon B the one where actual water has been discovered.

On moon A, the water-like features (rivers, streams) are due to the flowing of methane. THe temperature is so cold there that methane exists in a liquid state and in such quantity that is acts in the ways we know water to. Here is where the "life" stuff comes in: "...there is no universal agreement on the definition of life, the generally accepted biological manifestations are that life exhibits the following phenomena: Organization - Living things are comprised of one or more cells, which are the basic units of life. Metabolism - Metabolism produces energy by converting nonliving material into cellular components (synthesis) and decomposing organic matter (catalysis). Living things require energy to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena associated with life. Growth - Growth results from a higher rate of synthesis than catalysis. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter. Adaptation - Adaptation is the accommodation of a living organism to its environment. It is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the individual's heredity. Response to stimuli - A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism when touched to complex reactions involving all the senses of higher animals. Plants also respond to stimuli, but usually in ways very different from animals. A response is often expressed by motion: the leaves of a plant turning toward the sun or an animal chasing its prey. Reproduction - The division of one cell to form two new cells is reproduction. Usually the term is applied to the production of a new individual (either asexually, from a single parent organism, or sexually, from two differing parent organisms), although strictly speaking it also describes the production of new cells in the process of growth. " (

The real puncher is that scientists have agreed that carbon is a major factor in determining life. There is carbon in Methane. Hmmm... Ok. So, scientists have also detected energy bodies or currents on this planet A. Now, this may only be methane responding to temperature changes or currents. But if it is a group of particles that somehow have developed specialized functions, there may be "life" out there. Ah ha!

And the grand finale: it could be the case that because our eyes are specialized to see only a finite section of the energy waves - what we see as color - and can only see with the sun's waves, to create light, that there may in fact be particle groups that reflect waves of another energy source that we are ignorant to because our eyes do not detect them as even existing. So, what if these bodies of energy reflect different wave lengths than we have previosly identified? Wouldn't that be life?

What do you think?